Since the beginning of 2024, the number of bankruptcies of temporary employment agencies has been increasing! This also increases the risk of subsidiary liability for borrowers when using temporary workers.

In our lunch break webinar on June 26, 2024 (start 12:15 p.m., 45 minutes), we will legally classify hidden risks and protective measures for you and dispel some myths. We will explain practical tips and present tools for risk management and reducing liability.

Our questions

1. What is subsidiary liability?

2. How can I protect myself as a borrower?

3. What measures can temp agencies take to protect their customers?

4. What myths are misleading?

5. What strategies and tools reduce my liability risk?

Thomas  Leister

Thomas Leister

Osborne Clarke

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Christian  Marchsreiter

Christian Marchsreiter

Managing Director, IZS Institut für Zahlungssicherheit GmbH

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